lauryn doan

DAY IN THE LIFE solo parenting my 2 under 2!

*realistic* day in my life with 2 under 2!

MOVE IN WEEK VLOG + house tour!!!

WEEK IN MY LIFE with 2 under 2: settling into our new home, our floor samples, tough days

WEEK IN MY LIFE with 2 under 2 | new home renovations, packing, morning at the zoo & more!

WEEK IN MY LIFE WITH 2 UNDER 2 | we bought a house!!!!! slow mornings, package unboxings, etc

WAITING FOR BABY VLOG: zoo morning, beach day, meat delivery + groceries, waiting for baby!!!

WEEK IN MY LIFE as a SAHM of 2 under 2... a *real, raw, & HARD week*

WEEK IN MY LIFE as a SAHM of 2 under 2

ITEMS I BOUGHT FOR BABY #2! (& postpartum)

WEEK IN MY LIFE as a SAHM with 2 under 2 | buying a home?!, 25th bday, tantrums, home life & more

PRODUCTIVE *ONLINE* COLLEGE DAY IN MY LIFE | Zoom Classes, Essays, Homework, Exams, Life Update!

DAY IN MY LIFE AS A COLLEGE STUDENT & INFLUENCER | Online Classes, Creating Content, Notebooks!

THE WILLKOMM'S WEDDING VIDEO | Kekoa & Lauryn | 05/21/22

WEEK IN MY LIFE as a SAHM of 2 under 2 | work life, friend's wedding, mom wins + struggles

NESTING VLOG #2: baby's laundry + drawers, postpartum baskets, packing hospital bags, etc!

I'M PREGNANT! here's the past 20 weeks...

SAHM vlog: home updates, beach date, new toddler toys & activities, huge grocery restock + more!

WAITING FOR BABY VLOG: & what's in my hospital bag as a second time mom

*realistic* PREGNANCY NIGHT ROUTINE w/ a toddler (who's having a DAY...)

NESTING VLOG #:1 nesting to-do's, building bassinet & bouncer, organizing baby laundry!

*productive* college day in the life | having class, exam, studying, cleaning, matcha recipe & more!

COLLEGE FINALS VLOG 2021 (in-person + virtual) 📚

NESTING VLOG #3: diaper caddies, new swing, making my tea, hospital bags, how I'm feeling...